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The Book of Revelation
Dr. Luther Smith
All things to the glory of God (1 Cor. 10:31)
Dr. Smith's Musings
Aug 26, 20217 min read
Governing Authorities, Infections, and The Biblical Worldview
My thoughts Concerning
Jan 7, 20215 min read
(Biblical) Justice leads To Peace (Some Thoughts Concerning Yesterday's Events At The Capitol)
Yesterday's events that took place in Washington DC as it related to the protest that turned destructive and violent were unconscionable...
Oct 30, 20206 min read
Voting, The Constitution, and Biblical Christianity
In early November all Americans have the privilege to vote in not only for the current President of the United States, but also State...
Jul 30, 20166 min read
Special Blog: Watering Down Biblical Truth For The Sake of Candidates: A Response To Dr.Wayne Grudem
There is a term that I have learned studying my Masters degree and doctoral studies in Psychology that is known as cognitive dissonance,...
Jun 22, 20165 min read
Special Blog: The Spiritual Advisers and Theology of Donald Trump
I have felt compelled to write this special blog addressing the topic Evangelical Christianity and Donald Trump. Yesterday Donald Trump...
May 31, 20165 min read
Donald Trump & A Biblical Worldview
I will begin my first blog post with a question: What should those who hold to a Biblical worldview (i.e., Christians) do about Donald...
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